Procedure models

A procedure model is an element, which is used to specify the common external properties of the procedures that use it. By linking a procedure model to a procedure, the procedure will automatically inherit the properties of the model.

A procedure model can also be linked to another procedure model. This is called inheriting from another model.

The most common used procedure model is the test case model found in the project definition. A test case is in fact a regular procedure that is connected to the test case model.

A derived procedure or procedure model automatically inherits both the properties and the values ​​from the overall model, but it can also change both the value of the property (and thus override the inherited value) and add its own properties (which then again is inherited to the underlying objects).

Procedure models contain many of the same data as a procedure, but have no steps.

Procedure model data
Custom Properties

A procedure model can be considered as a definition the characteristics that a procedure should follow.

A typical project consists of a series of test cases that are built on the basis of the test case model (which is merely a procedure model for a test case), which in turn refers to a basis model from a project framework file.

If you have a large project you may need to define an additional administrative layer with several test case models to handle common characteristics of the underlying test cases.

Here a test case inherits the properties from the overall test case model, which in turn inherits properties from its overall framework file.

Here an extra layer with two test case models is created, each of which inherits the properties from the overall test case model, and where the derived test cases then inherit properties from their respective test case model.