Printing from SeqZap Studio

Printing from SeqZap Studio is done by selecting Print from the File menu at the top of the SeqZap Studio window.

This will open the Print dialog.

This dialog allows selecting what to Print:

Several options can also be toggled:

Will sort the printed file elements (procedures, test suites, etc.) alphabetically

If checked, the framework files shipped with SeqZap (such as the ProjectFramework.szs file) will not be printed.

If checked, only the test cases will be printed, this is useful when wanting to print a test specification documenting the written tests.

If checked, only the Test Steps of procedures/test-cases will be printed. This is often used in combination with the “Only print tests cases” option to create a light executive overview style test specification.

After selecting what to print and the options to use, the Preview button should be clicked which opens a preview tab of the printed document.

Using the toolbar buttons at the top of the tab, it is possible to print the document on a printer, export the printed document as an HTML file or open the printed document in the system’s standard browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.).

The print preview can be closed by clicking the “X” button at the top-right corner of the tab.