Automation Strategies

This section of the manual explains various strategies for testing various user interface elements.


A table does not normally have individual identifiers on each cell of the table to be used when automating the table.

This means that it might be hard to find a way to identify the particular cell to use in a test.

Consider the following table:

Parameter A312.32
Parameter B12.3
Parameter C-123

For a human, it is easy to see that by using the parameter name, it is easy to find the value of that particular parameter by looking in the same row in the table.

We can use this when identifying the value cell of a particular row in the table.

Instead of trying to identify the value cell using the Element Selection Dialog a good strategy is to use the Element Selection Dialog to identify the name cell for that particular cell. For instance:

** / InnerText = “Parameter A”

We can then use the .. selector to navigate to the parent of the name cell, the row, and then navigate to cell two, which is identified as child 1 of the row (the first child has index 0).

** / InnerText = “Parameter A” / .. / 1

In this way we can use the identifier we know a permanent, the name of the parameter, to navigate to the cell we actually want to access – the value.